Thursday, December 27, 2007

Clever parrot with a painter elephant

A particular parrot and an elephant might look like the rest of their species, but according to their owners the two are the most talented animals on Earth.

'Griffin', the parrot is as clever as a three-year-old child, and 'Hong', the elephant is a fantastic painter.

The parrot can easily understand abstract concepts such as time, place and matter. And the elephant is so good at his painting skills, that he once fooled a roomful of art experts into thinking that his daubs were produced by a human.

The duo are featured in a Five documentary series called 'Extraordinary Animals'. In the first programme Hong, a Thai elephant who creates paintings for tourists is looked at.

Alex Menamid, the caretaker of Hong, said that his paintings have a quality of line and an elegance that is very touching. "His paintings in particular have a quality of line and an elegance that is very touching," The Sun quoted Menamid, as talking about Hong.

Meanwhile, the parrot also impresses the audience with his brilliance in the documentary series. In one of the shows, the African Grey counts the number of times trainer doctor clicks her fingers and answering questions about the size and shape of objects.

Even when the order of questions is varied, Griffin gets the answers right, proving he understands what he is being asked.

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