Thursday, December 27, 2007

How sliced bread was born

It took a mastermind and whole lot of hard work to come up with the world's first bread slicer, making it one of the greatest inventions in the culinary world.

In 1912, jeweller Otto Frederick Rohwedder started with his bright bread idea.

It took him many years, and several unsuccessful models, to devise a machine, which would not only cut the bread into slices, but also would wrap it up to keep it from going stale, reports Live Science.

The revolutionary slicing and wrapping machine was sold by Rohwedder to the Chillicothe Baking Company in 1928. Later that year only, the bread company sold the first loaf of sliced bread.

Thanks to the well-timed invention of the pop-up toaster the pre-cut slices became especially popular. The 1930's marketing campaign of Wonder Bread rose sliced bread's sales to new heights.

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